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Our product WREPORTS , integrates increased productivity,

profitability and decision making in its Contact Center analytics platform.

Operational and strategic management of omni-channel service through native dashboards

Increased performance of active campaigns

Smart contact return - callback

Multimethod satisfaction survey

Real - time view

Customization on demand

Consumer geolocation

Our ANALYTICS team stands out for well-defined management processes, using proven methodologies, with strong action in:

Breaking down barriers, replacing ineffective processes reused over time


Understand the multitude of information about your business and the different ways of thinking of your consumer, in order to build a high-result solution.


Innovate in the right measure






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Createconsciousnessof your environment through data, generates capacity for change and real improvements.

The Contact Center generates a multitude of datathat transform your operation, if they are well treated and analyzed. Most of the time, nobody knows what is really going on in the operation.

Odesire for changebecomes crucial after the awareness of the facts. This one,is linked to searchthe main strategic points that will define your transformation journey. In addition to seeking the main focus of a Contact Center, which is theend customer satisfaction, it is also possible to improvethe entire service chainfor agents, supervisors, managers and planners. Not to mention cost reductions thanks to the effectiveness of decisions.

THEchange requiresknow where we are and where we should and can go. Youknowledgethey must be procedurally introduced in the Contact Center organization so as not to be lost over time.

Processed and analyzed data are presented andchange the way of thinking of the entire service chain, from the agent to the executive. Accelerates planning and decision making.

Quality of execution is keyto implement the change and start using data in your operation. For that someskill are essential:

• Data processing based onIn-depth knowledge of customer service systems.

•Definition ofperformance indicatorseffective for your business.

• Use of atoolbuilt through theservice management best practices.

Automationof processes

easy integrationwith any service platform.


Simpleto be used.


A high performance Contact Center

live viewthrough operational and executive dashboards.

• Data and BusinessIntegrated

Increaseof NPS

•Integration with SearchSatisfaction

Standardizationservice performance

•Definition ofgoalsfor the team through consistent data

Recognitionof Agents

• Creation ofeffective campaignsandno waste.

Clear visionof the Customer Service Journey in different channels.

Drastic reduction of work manualsand risk of errors.

Por que Gerir?


As a Service




Infra Physics

Upgrade Costs

Network access

Personnel Costs

Proactive Maintenance

Centralized management

Internet connection

Easily scalable


Wolkee using the best technology, hosts WReports 100% in the Cloud in partnership with Microsoft Azure


The WOLKEE was founded in 2016, with a bold team composed of different generations of experience in several areas of technology. As services customers, working in global and local companies, the founders know the challenges of those who hire services in the IT areas and investment restrictions. For this reason, we look for to transform our customers' business challenges into high-performance digital solutions, analog independence and low costs .

We translate needs into effective solutions and quick implementation in the essence of Innovation with the right measure. Using modern methodologies and tools in the areas of Analytics, Machine Learning and Big Data.


We go beyond digitization and intelligent use of data, generating efficient controls, breaking barriers , automating transformative processes, aiming for quick returns. Always focusing on simplifying our customers' operations.


As our pillars: total dedication to the customer, ethics and courage.

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